A new report released by Atalanta, a social enterprise dedicated to increasing women’s representation in government, has revealed significant differences in the way that female and male political leaders are discussed online. The report – “(Anti)Social Media: The Benefits and Pitfalls of Digital for Female Politicians” – is based on social media analysis from BrandsEye, a leader in sentiment analysis, and interviews with prominent female politicians and campaign strategists.
The report provides in-depth analysis of tweets about Prime Minister Theresa May, Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn, and pairs of female and male political leaders in South Africa and Chile.
The report also includes insights about the benefits and pitfalls of social media from female politicians and campaign strategists, including: Baroness Anne Jenkin, Conservative Member of the House of Lords and Co-Founder of Women2Win; Jess Phillips and Rachel Reeves, Labour Members of Parliament; Amy Dacey, former CEO of the Democratic National Committee and former Executive Director of EMILY’s List; Jenna Lowenstein, former Digital Director for Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign; and Andrea Bozek, former Communications Director for both the House and Senate Republican campaign committees.
Read the report here.